Recent flooding across Brentor and Devon

Flooding across Brentor and Devon

Although the wet winter resulted in some flooding the recent thunderstorm dropped unprecedented amounts of rain and hail on the area in a very short space of time. This led to flash flooding in many places as culverts and drains were quickly overwhelmed and properties were inundated, the speed in which the water rose left little time to protect properties.

Devon County Council have requested that Parish Councils collate from local residents the following information:

  • The date and location that the flooding occurred
  • If any properties were flooded internally (and the addresses of these properties, if known)
  • Any key roads which were affected
  • Photographs (if possible)
  • Any other information you feel would be relevant.

Any information submitted will be used for data collection purposes only. Details of flooding to individual properties will only be recorded on Devon County Council’s flood risk database and will not be disclosed in any public document.

Please inform residents affected by internal property flooding that they can use the Flood Online Reporting Tool (FORT) to report their flooding to us:

To make a report to the Parish Council send an email including the information above to which we will then forward on to Devon County Council. The flooding will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting so please include any information that you think may be of use to the Parish Council.


Flood damage in West Blackdown

Villages in Action News

What does Dartmoor mean to you?

Dear friends,

Dartmoor has inspired countless stories and songs, folk tales, memories and personal connections over thousands of years. But what does Dartmoor mean to you? Through a series of community events the Chasing Crockern project is hunting for stories of the moor from those who live, work or visit here today.

Click below to find out more about the events, the artists behind the project, and an exciting opportunity for budding young photographers living on Dartmoor.

Warm regards,

The team at Villages in Action

Click here to read more: What does Dartmoor mean to you?

Storyteller with children

Villages in Action Event

Dartmoor Commoner’s Council Elections 2024

Elections to the Dartmoor Commoner’s Council will take place this year as follows:


 11 June 2024

Belstone Village Hall
EX20 1RD 

 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


12 June 2024

 South Brent Village Hall
TQ10 9JL

 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


13 June 2024

 Manaton Parish Hall
TQ13 9UJ

7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

 West Monday
17 June 2024
 Princetown Community
Centre, PL19 6QE

 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

For more information click here:

Election Notice 2024

Councillors due for election 2024

New defibrillator at the Village Hall

A new defibrillator has been installed at the Village Hall in Brentor to replace the old unit which had reached the end of it’s serviceable life. The equipment and storage cabinet have been purchased with Parish Council funds and a grant from the Department of Health and Social Care fund.In the event of a medical emergency always dial 999 first. The ambulance service know where defibrillators are located and how to access them. There is no mobile phone cover in much of the Parish but there is a public payphone adjacent to the War Memorial in Brentor which can be used to call the emergency services.

For more information about defibrillators (and other emergency equipment) and what to do in an emergency please click here.

Further Vacancy for Councillor



There is 1 further vacancy on Brentor Parish Council.

A by-election to fill the vacancies will be held if within 14 days of the date of this Notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and Bank Holidays) ten electors from the Parish give notice in writing to the Returning Officer requiring that such an election be held.

The address of the Returning Officer is West Devon Borough Council, Kilworthy Park, Drake Road, Tavistock, Devon PL19 0BZ. A request for an election can also be scanned and emailed to, but the document must contain “wet ink” signatures.

If no such notice is given, the Parish Council will fill the vacancies through co-option.

For further information please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.

Dated: 7th May  2024

Signed:          Caroline Oxenham                      Clerk


Village Hall Produce Show 2024

Brentor Produce Show and Fete to be replaced with an afternoon tea

Due to the poor weather and subsequent growing conditions we have decided to change plans for July.

The Brentor Produce Show and Fete will be replaced with an afternoon tea on Sunday July 21st at the Village Hall.

Details will be available at the Coffee Morning on June 1 and we are hoping to deliver personal invitations to as many of Brentor Parish as is practical in early June

If you have any questions in the meantime please email

We will be holding a photographic competition during the afternoon tea with the following categories that we announced earlier in the year

  1. "Clouds”
  2. “Black/White”
  3. “Patterns”

We thank you for your support and understanding.

Brentor Village Hall & Playing Field Committee


Annual Parish Meeting – 7th May 2024

The Annual Parish Meeting for Brentor Parish Council will be held on the 7th May 2024 at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall at Brentor.

The meeting will comprise of:

  • The Chairman’s Report
  • The Financial Report
  • An informal session to meet Councillors to ask questions and raise any relevant matters.

The meeting will be followed by a meeting of the Brentor Parish Council. 

The Agenda and Action Tracker are available here

Beware – Rogue Traders!

Increasing reports of rogue traders in Devon

Trading Standards, Police and Local Authorities are all warning residents that there has been an increase in rogue traders targeting residents in the county.

In particular individuals are knocking on doors and suggesting that work needs to be carried out on the properties roof. These people are giving the impression that they are representatives of well known, reputable local companies making it difficult to identify that they are in face rogue traders. Advice from the Local Authority, Devon and Cornwall Police and Trading Standards is not to employ anyone knocking on your door touting for business and to always thoroughly check out anybody you are thinking of employing to carry out any work. They have also produced two leaflets with great advice about dealing with trades people and cold callers. You can download these by clicking on them below.

Defibrillator Training at Village Hall

Defibrillator Training

The Village Hall and Playing Field Committee have arranged for free defibrillator training for Brentor residents. The training will take place in the village hall on the 23rd April 2024 between 7.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m.

The course is free of charge but there is a limit of 20 participants so registering is essential. You can either register at the coffee morning on the 6th April or by contacting Sandra Johnson via email by completing the form below:


    Alvin Diaz – Update

    Alvin Diaz

    Alvin has now been missing for two days.

    The Police have traced Alvin to the bus station in Tavistock where it is believed that he boarded a bus for Plymouth. It is not known at this point where he got off the bus but the working theory is that he has travelled to the city. Alvin has links to the boating community in Plymouth and it is possible that he has visited one of the marinas or boat yards in the area.

    Please spread the word about Alvin, his family are desperate to bring him back home.

    Update on the search for Brentor resident Alvin Diaz

    Update on the search for Brentor resident Alvin Diaz

    Update at 20:00 28th March 2024.

    Alvin has still not been located. However the Police now believe that he may be in the Plymouth area as it is thought that he boarded a bus for Plymouth after travelling to the bus station in Tavistock on the 118 bus from Brentor. Enquiries are continuing to try and locate Alvin, if anyone has any information that they think may help the Police locate Alvin please call 999 and quote Log 408 of 27th March 24.

    There is a Facebook thread about the search: (20+) Brentor, Lydford & Mary Tavy Hub | Facebook

    Police search for Brentor resident Alvin Diaz

    Concern for missing Brentor man Alvin Diaz

    From Devon & Cornwall Police (original article)

    Police are growing concerned for the welfare of a 72-year-old man who has been reported missing from Brentor in West Devon.

    Alvin Diaz was last seen at around 10am this morning [27 March] at his home but has not been seen or heard from since.

    Alvin is described as a white man, around 5ft 9ins tall and of slim build. He is bald with grey round the sides and grey stubble.

    He is believed to be wearing a jacket, navy blue trousers with a blue jumper. He may be wearing a black woolly hat and Merrell trekking shoes. He may also be wearing blue rimmed glasses.

    Searches are enquiries are ongoing in the area in efforts to find Alvin but we’re asking for the public to report any sightings or information which may help us.

    Anyone who sees Alvin or knows of his whereabouts is asked to contact police on 999 quoting log 408 of 27 March.

    Your Parish Council needs you!

    Could you be a Parish Councillor?

    Brentor Parish Council is looking for new councillors to join the Parish Council and would love to hear from you if you are interested in helping your local community.

    Parish Councils are the lowest tier of local government and represent local people and deliver local services, such as the provision of burial grounds and maintenance of drains and other facilities. You do not need to be elected to a Parish Council as the council has the power to co-opt councillors and you need no previous experience or qualifications. All you need is a desire to help your local community and some spare time.

    If you are interested in becoming a councillor please get in touch using the Contact Us page and we will be happy to have a chat about the role.

    Mount Kelly Choral Society Spring Concert

    Mount Kelly Choral Society and Orchestra in Concert

    Mount Kelly Choral Society and Orchestra

    Saturday 20th April 19:30

    St Eustachius' Parish Church, Tavistock

    Karl Jenkins' The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace

    Mount Kelly Choral Society and Orchestra

    Conductor: Dan Robson

    We will be performing Karl Jenkins' most popular work in this, the year of his 80th birthday. It is in many ways a call for peace in times of war, and has several movements which are settings of texts from the Catholic Mass. It also uses the 15th-century folk song "L'homme armé" which featured in choral works by Josquin des Prez and Francisco Guerrero, amongst others, as well as texts from more modern authors including Rudyard Kipling. Accompanied by wind, brass, keyboards and percussion, this promises to be an exciting and moving concert.

    Tickets: £14 TicketSource ( or Bookstop in Tavistock; £15 cash on door. Under-18s free.

    Further information on the MKCS website

    New defibrillator at the playing field

    The Brentor Village Hall and Playing Field Committee have obtained and installed a new defibrillator in the Playing Field in Burn Lane.

    The Parish Council are in the process of acquiring a new defibrillator for outside the Village Hall, we are hoping that it will be in place in the next few weeks.

    In order to access the defibrillators you will need to use a code that will be provided by the operator when you call 999.

    Stop the Meters – Tavistock Parking – Public Meeting

    Stop the Meters – Tavistock Parking – Public Meeting

    There is a public meeting at the Bedford Hotel on 28th February 2024 at 6 p.m. to discuss the next steps in the campaign to stop parking charges being imposed in Tavistock. Devon County Council are meeting on the 13th March to decide whether to implement the charges and there is a protest planned at County Hall. For more information visit the campaign website at

    Road Closure Notice

    Road Closure

    Notice has been given by DCC of another road closure in the Parish from Thursday 2nd May to Tuesday 7th May 2024:



    You can download the full notice here:
    240201 TTRO2455315 On Site Notice (002)

    Defibrillator at the village hall

    The defibrillator at the Village Hall has been taken out of service due to a technical fault. The emergency services have been informed so that no one is advised to use it whilst it is repaired or a new one sourced.

    In the meantime the nearest defibrillator is at Mary Tavy Post Office.

    For information about performing CPR in an emergency please click here: Emergency CPR

    Road Closures

    Road Closure - Burn Lane and Brentor Road, Mary Tavy

    DCC have given notice of two road closures:

    Burn Lane, Brentor - 18th to 29th March 2024: Closure of the road so that works can be carried out to the old railway bridge

    Brentor Road, Mary Tavy - 9th to 11th April 2024: Closure of road for water mains work

    Both of these closures will cause some inconvenience but the works in Mary Tavy will have more impact. You can find out more about the closures, including the exact location, by clicking on the link here Map ( and entering Brentor into the search box and then clicking on the blue and white menu button to the left of the search box. This will open up some options on the left of the screen where you can select the type of information that you want to see.


    4G Booster Voucher Scheme Relaunched

    4G Boosters - Voucher Scheme Relaunched

    Connecting Devon and Somerset have recently relaunched the scheme allowing Devon residents to apply for a voucher to improve the indoor 4g mobile signal. Improving the signal can give faster, more reliable Internet and calls over the mobile phone network. There are a number of restrictions and requirements before a voucher (worth up to £1200) is issued, for full details click here: Mobile Boost Voucher Scheme – a guide

    Devon Carbon Plan – your view needed

    Make your views known on the Devon Carbon Plan

    West Devon Borough Council are considering whether to endorse the Devon Carbon Plan, the response to the Devon Climate Emergency and roadmap to Net Zero by 2050. You can read about the plan here: Devon Carbon Plan Summary

    The DCP is a comprehensive document that impacts on nearly everything and everyone in the County and has been endorsed by organisations such as the DNPA, local councils and interest groups. If you would like to comment on the DCP and the impact it will have on you or your business then please get in touch and we will forward your comments on.

      Pothole misery

      Local pot holes highlighted in local press

      Will Walker-Smith is so fed up with the state of the roads in the Parish he sent a picture in to the local paper showing the shocking state of the roads in Liddaton which they published highlighting the issue (again). Residents in Liddaton feel as if DCC have forgotten that they exists as little has been done to remedy the appalling road conditions and drainage/flooding problems there. DCC have been repeatedly informed by residents and BPC (as well as local and county councillors Robert Oxborough and Phillip Sanders) of a number of issues in our parish but little has been done to remedy them. If you would like to report an issue on the roads to DCC the easiest way is through their online reporting tool: Report a problem - Roads and transport ( .

      Maybe if enough people report issues then something will be done!

      Proposed parking charges in Tavistock and Okehampton

      Parking charges consultation ends 7th January - be quick!

      Devon County Council has announced plans to introduce on street parking charges in Tavistock and Okehampton despite opposition from just about everyone. Not only is there strong opposition to the proposed charges DCC have not provided any evidence to support the benefits that they believe the charges will bring (better air quality, less traffic and better access to premises).

      The consultation period ends at the end on the next week (7th January). Please click on the link below to send your thoughts to DCC about what appears to be another cash grab. There is more information on the following sites:

      You can send your comments using the form here Parking Charges Response Form and sign the petition here Petition · Stop The Meters! Protect Tavistock Town Centre - Keep Parking Free. · and another here Petition | Tavistock (

      Former Borough and Parish Councillor honoured

      Former councillor Terry Pearce recognised for his service as Borough Councillor.

      Alderman presentation - L to R - Terry Pearce, Diana Moyse, West Devon Mayor Cllr Lynn Daniel, Mike Davies, and Mark Ridgers

      Terry Pearce, who for many years represented Brentor at West Devon Borough Council as well as serving as the Chair of Brentor Parish Council, has been honoured by being made an Honorary Alderman of West Devon Borough Council. The honour was made in recognition of his service to the communities of West Devon. Terry worked tirelessly for the people of Brentor and the other wards he represented before stepping down last year. You can read more about the award here.

      DCC Roads and Transport reporting tool

      DCC roads and transport - report an issue

      Devon County Council Roads and Transport have an online tool that allows the reporting of problems with the roads or transport in the County. You can use the service to report issues such as flooding, blocked drains, pot holes or defective signage. The Parish Council have been informed that the quickest way to report an issue, and presumably get it resolved, is to use this service. In an emergency (something that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious damage to property) do not use the tool but contact the emergency line on tel:03451551004.

      Meeting with Sir Geoffrey Cox

      Meeting with Sir Geoffrey Cox

      A meeting has been arranged by Cllr Robert Oxborough, our WDBC member, between the local Parish Councils and Sir Geoffrey Cox, MP for Torridge and West Devon, to discuss various issues that are of great concern to those living and working in the area. The meeting is due to take place early in the new year.

      Top of the list is the abysmal provision of reliable internet connections in the Parish. Despite much effort over the years from both public bodies such as the Parish Council and local residents the provision of decent broadband still appears to be something that Openreach is unable, or unwilling to achieve. Another concern is the crumbling condition of local roads with pot holes frequently causing dangerous and expensive damage to vehicles on a regular basis. Speeding, flooding, the maintenance (or not) of culverts and drains by Devon County Council have also been suggested as subjects to be raised at the meeting.

      If you would like to suggest a subject to raise with Sir Geoffrey or have information that you would like to the Parish Council to highlight with him, for example repeated failed attempts to get pot holes repaired, please get in touch using the form opposite.

      Suggest a subject