Defibrillators and Emergency Equipment
Defibrillators are vital when someone is suffering a cardiac crisis and can often significantly improve a persons chance of recovery. There is a defibrillator located outside the Village Hall which is accessible all the time. They are very easy to use and come with simple to follow instructions. The videos below shows what you need to do in the event of someone falling ill with a heart attack or other cardiac event. Please contact the Parish Council if you use the defibrillator so that it can be prepared for the next use.
Heart attack First Aid
Using an Automatic External Defibrillator
Emergency Equipment
The village has a store of emergency equipment for the use of residents. As well as equipment for cleaning up after an incident there are radios, water pumps and a small stock of sand and sand bags. There is also a smal amount of road grit. The equipment is provided by (and maintained by) Brentor Parish Council and access to the equipment can be arranged via the Emergency Co-ordinator/Snow Warden, their details can be found on the Parish Council pages here.
Each year the Parish Council review and publish an Emergency Plan for the village full of information as to what to do in the event of an event such as a flood or power cut. The latest version is available to download below.