Brentor Village Hall Mistletoe Fair – Saturday 7th December 2024 from 11:00 to 2:00. Come along, bag a bargain have some festive treats! Always a lovely way to get into the festive spirit and to meet up and have a chat with friends and neighbours.
Brentor remembers 2024
Residents gathered at the war memorial in Brentor on Sunday 10th November 2024 to pay their respects to those from the Parish that fell in the first and second world wars. A cross was placed as each name was read out and then the last post was played and a minutes silence held. After revielle wreaths were laid on behalf of the British Legion and the Parish Council and then a service of thanksgiving was held at Christ Church. A moving morning remembering those that gave their lives in the service of their country.
Local Volunteer Will Walker-Smith awarded Mayor's Green Recognition Award for dedication to the Brentor Commons
Congratulations to Will Walker-Smith who has been recognised for his tireless work for the Brentor Commons. Will has put in much hard work over the years to maintain and increase the biodiversity of the Commons and to protect and preserve these special places. The award is a well deserved thank you from the Mayor for all that he has done. The full story can be read here on the West Devon Council website.
Latest News
Brentor Parish Council Grant Applications 2024/25
As in previous years the Parish Council will consider including a sum within its budget for supporting local organisations. If your organisation is thinking of asking the Parish Council for a grant then please contact the Parish Clerk by the 9th December 2024 with the following information: Purpose for which a grant is required Budgeted... Continue reading→
Hydrosnake flood defence barriers
The Parish Council have been looking at ways to support the community after the flash flooding at the beginning of the year. Although many of the potential solutions are beyond the reach of the Parish Council we have found a product that could potentially help should a similar event occur in the future. Cllr Sanders... Continue reading→