Brentor Parish Council Grant Applications 2024/25

Parish Council Grants to Local Organisations

As in previous years the Parish Council will consider including a sum within its budget for supporting local organisations.

If your organisation is thinking of asking the Parish Council for a grant then please contact the Parish Clerk by the 9th December 2024 with the following information:

  • Purpose for which a grant is required
  • Budgeted income and expenditure for the current financial year
  • Report on the use of any previous Parish Council grant.

Applications should be sent to the Parish Clerk, Mrs Caroline Oxenham either by post (1 Abbotsfield Crescent, Tavistock, Devon, PL19 8EY) or via email

Tel: 01822 481415 or 07846 573678 (Monday to Friday)

Grant application form

    Hydrosnake flood defence barriers

    Hydrosnake flood defence

    Red hydrosnake sandbags stopping water from entering a basement

    Hydrosnake flood defence barriers

    The Parish Council have been looking at ways to support the community after the flash flooding at the beginning of the year. Although many of the potential solutions are beyond the reach of the Parish Council we have found a product that could potentially help should a similar event occur in the future.

    Cllr Sanders has agreed to match any funding from the Parish Council to provide Hydrosnakes to those worried about the impact of flooding on their property. For those at risk of flooding Hydrosnakes offer a more practical alternative to traditional sandbags. They are easier to store, transport and deploy than sandbags and after use can be composted with other garden waste. More information can be found by clicking here.

    We plan to offer Hydrosnakes free of charge to residents of the parish on a first come, first served basis. To try to gauge demand we are asking those who think that Hydrosnakes could help protect their property to contact the Parish Council by completing the form on this page. Once we have an idea of numbers then we will then place a bulk order and arrange distribution.

    The Parish Council has a store of emergency equipment available for use in various emergencies. For more information please visit the webpage: Emergency Equipment.

    Expression of interest

      Advice for those visiting (and living in) Brentor with four legged friends

      Dogs on leadsAdvice for those visiting (and living in) Brentor with four legged friends

      Brentor Parish is lucky to welcome many visitors during the year, some just for a few hours to enjoy the walks and moors around the village others for a longer relaxing break. Many bring with them their four legged companions and there is some excellent advice on the Dartmoor website about keeping safe and acting responsibly when with your friend. It is also an excellent reminder for those lucky to live here how to get along with those who perhaps don’t love dogs quite as much. The full advice can be found here: Visiting with your dog | Dartmoor but in summary the advice is:

      1. Always pick up after your dog, dog faeces is not only unpleasant but is also a health risk. Always carry poo bags and dispose of them in dog bins or take them home. Bags are available at the field if you forget to bring them with you. Please keep dogs out of the children area at the playing field at all times.
      2. Keep your dog on a lead when near livestock, during livestock breeding season and at all times between 1 March and 31 July. This helps protect ground nesting birds as well as livestock and their young. On certain land the lead must be fixed and under 2 metres in length.
      3. Keep your dog under close control when using public rights of way, and during the warmer months when adders are likely to be active and basking in sunshine.
      4. If cattle chase your dog it is safest to let go of the lead and retrieve your dog later.

      New defibrillator at the Village Hall

      A new defibrillator has been installed at the Village Hall in Brentor to replace the old unit which had reached the end of it’s serviceable life. The equipment and storage cabinet have been purchased with Parish Council funds and a grant from the Department of Health and Social Care fund.In the event of a medical emergency always dial 999 first. The ambulance service know where defibrillators are located and how to access them. There is no mobile phone cover in much of the Parish but there is a public payphone adjacent to the War Memorial in Brentor which can be used to call the emergency services.

      For more information about defibrillators (and other emergency equipment) and what to do in an emergency please click here.

      Further Vacancy for Councillor



      There is 1 further vacancy on Brentor Parish Council.

      A by-election to fill the vacancies will be held if within 14 days of the date of this Notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and Bank Holidays) ten electors from the Parish give notice in writing to the Returning Officer requiring that such an election be held.

      The address of the Returning Officer is West Devon Borough Council, Kilworthy Park, Drake Road, Tavistock, Devon PL19 0BZ. A request for an election can also be scanned and emailed to, but the document must contain “wet ink” signatures.

      If no such notice is given, the Parish Council will fill the vacancies through co-option.

      For further information please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.

      Dated: 7th May  2024

      Signed:          Caroline Oxenham                      Clerk


      Annual Parish Meeting – 7th May 2024

      The Annual Parish Meeting for Brentor Parish Council will be held on the 7th May 2024 at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall at Brentor.

      The meeting will comprise of:

      • The Chairman’s Report
      • The Financial Report
      • An informal session to meet Councillors to ask questions and raise any relevant matters.

      The meeting will be followed by a meeting of the Brentor Parish Council. 

      The Agenda and Action Tracker are available here

      Road Closure Notice

      Road Closure

      Notice has been given by DCC of another road closure in the Parish from Thursday 2nd May to Tuesday 7th May 2024:



      You can download the full notice here:
      240201 TTRO2455315 On Site Notice (002)

      Pothole misery

      Local pot holes highlighted in local press

      Will Walker-Smith is so fed up with the state of the roads in the Parish he sent a picture in to the local paper showing the shocking state of the roads in Liddaton which they published highlighting the issue (again). Residents in Liddaton feel as if DCC have forgotten that they exists as little has been done to remedy the appalling road conditions and drainage/flooding problems there. DCC have been repeatedly informed by residents and BPC (as well as local and county councillors Robert Oxborough and Phillip Sanders) of a number of issues in our parish but little has been done to remedy them. If you would like to report an issue on the roads to DCC the easiest way is through their online reporting tool: Report a problem - Roads and transport ( .

      Maybe if enough people report issues then something will be done!

      Proposed parking charges in Tavistock and Okehampton

      Parking charges consultation ends 7th January - be quick!

      Devon County Council has announced plans to introduce on street parking charges in Tavistock and Okehampton despite opposition from just about everyone. Not only is there strong opposition to the proposed charges DCC have not provided any evidence to support the benefits that they believe the charges will bring (better air quality, less traffic and better access to premises).

      The consultation period ends at the end on the next week (7th January). Please click on the link below to send your thoughts to DCC about what appears to be another cash grab. There is more information on the following sites:

      You can send your comments using the form here Parking Charges Response Form and sign the petition here Petition · Stop The Meters! Protect Tavistock Town Centre - Keep Parking Free. · and another here Petition | Tavistock (

      Former Borough and Parish Councillor honoured

      Former councillor Terry Pearce recognised for his service as Borough Councillor.

      Alderman presentation - L to R - Terry Pearce, Diana Moyse, West Devon Mayor Cllr Lynn Daniel, Mike Davies, and Mark Ridgers

      Terry Pearce, who for many years represented Brentor at West Devon Borough Council as well as serving as the Chair of Brentor Parish Council, has been honoured by being made an Honorary Alderman of West Devon Borough Council. The honour was made in recognition of his service to the communities of West Devon. Terry worked tirelessly for the people of Brentor and the other wards he represented before stepping down last year. You can read more about the award here.

      DCC Roads and Transport reporting tool

      DCC roads and transport - report an issue

      Devon County Council Roads and Transport have an online tool that allows the reporting of problems with the roads or transport in the County. You can use the service to report issues such as flooding, blocked drains, pot holes or defective signage. The Parish Council have been informed that the quickest way to report an issue, and presumably get it resolved, is to use this service. In an emergency (something that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious damage to property) do not use the tool but contact the emergency line on tel:03451551004.

      Meeting with Sir Geoffrey Cox

      Meeting with Sir Geoffrey Cox

      A meeting has been arranged by Cllr Robert Oxborough, our WDBC member, between the local Parish Councils and Sir Geoffrey Cox, MP for Torridge and West Devon, to discuss various issues that are of great concern to those living and working in the area. The meeting is due to take place early in the new year.

      Top of the list is the abysmal provision of reliable internet connections in the Parish. Despite much effort over the years from both public bodies such as the Parish Council and local residents the provision of decent broadband still appears to be something that Openreach is unable, or unwilling to achieve. Another concern is the crumbling condition of local roads with pot holes frequently causing dangerous and expensive damage to vehicles on a regular basis. Speeding, flooding, the maintenance (or not) of culverts and drains by Devon County Council have also been suggested as subjects to be raised at the meeting.

      If you would like to suggest a subject to raise with Sir Geoffrey or have information that you would like to the Parish Council to highlight with him, for example repeated failed attempts to get pot holes repaired, please get in touch using the form opposite.

      Suggest a subject

        Thermal Imaging Cameras for loan

        Thermal Imaging Cameras for loan

        Image of a house through a thermal imaging device

        Thermal imaging can help detect where heat is leaking from your property

        Are you interested in seeing where your property is "leaking" heat?

        West Devon Borough Council has obtained several thermal imaging cameras that can be used to find where heat is leaking from your windows, walls and roof. Information on the scheme can be found here:

        If you are interested in the service then please get in touch with so we can gauge interest in the Parish and arrange for the loan of the cameras (they can only be loaned via Parish Councils).

        Thanks to our local councillor Cllr Robert Oxborough who was instrumental in arranging the acquisition of the cameras for residents use.

        Electoral Canvassers

        Electoral Canvassers

        It is that time of year again when canvassers will be calling on all properties within the council area who are required to, but have not yet returned, a Canvass Form with regard to Electoral Registration. The Canvassers will be trying to make contact with those households who have not supplied information that we have requested under Electoral Registration legislation. 

        The canvassers will be carrying ID and will be delivering forms and not taking information at the doorstep, unless it is offered to them.

        Stop the closure of the mobile library service

        Save Devon's Mobile Libraries

        Image: Devon County Council

        The campaign to save Devon’s mobile libraries from closure by Devon County Council has now reached more than 4000 online signatures and hundreds more paper signatures, with support from a whole host of celebrities and authors including Stephen Fry and Michael Morpurgo.

        To sign the petition online

        This petition calls on Devon County Council to keep the mobile library service running in Devon, especially here where we have many very rural and isolated areas which really benefit from its service.

        Please sign and share this petition to help save our mobile libraries before the final decision is made by county councillors in the next few weeks.

        The campaign to save the mobile library service has attracted national attention and support from Stephen Fry and Michael Rosen:

        Authors join online campaign to save ‘vital’ Devon mobile library services

        If you would rather sign the petition in person then please visit the Brentor Village Hall on Saturday 2 September during the Summer Fete and Produce Show between 9:30 and 3:00

        Foresty Plan Consultation

        Lydford Forest Consultation

        Consultation period ends on 13th October

        Forestry England are working on a new forest plan for their land at Lydford, Brentor and Burley Down. The plan will define the long-term vision for the woodland and sets out how management of the land will acheive this over the next ten years.

        Forestry England are keen to get as many comments as possible on the draft plan that has been published here to get the am appropriate balance of views and opinions. The plan can be accessed by selecting "Lydford Forest Plan questionnaire" where feedback and comments can be left. The questionnaire will be available until the 13th October.

        You can contact Forestry England by emailing them:

        Parish Cemetery Maintenance

        Parish Cemetery - New bench and new contractor

        Over the winter period the Parish Council have been advertising for a new contractor to mow and maintain the Parish Cemetery. It has been difficult to find someone willing to take the work on for a number of reasons but we are hopefully about to conclude negotiations with a local company to carry out the work.

        During the annual inspection the Parish Councillors noticed that the bench and noticeboard were in a state of disrepair. Both have been replaced using donations to pay for the new bench and noticeboard. The bench is already in place and the new noticeboard is being manufactured and will soon be in place.

        Thanks to Cllr Fraser for her hard work sourcing, ordering and installing the bench and removing the old one.

        Photo ID now needed when voting

        Don't forget your photo ID when voting

        A change in the rules relating to voting now means that you must show photographic ID when voting.

        Acceptable forms of identification are:

        • Passport
        • Driving Licence
        • Blue Badge
        • Older Persons Bus Pass
        • Defence Identity Card
        • Biometric immigration Document
        • PASS Card (Identity card bearing
          the Proof of Age Standards Scheme

        If you do not have any of these documents you can apply for a free Voter ID document. Full details are on the poster and at

        2023 Mayoral Awards – Nominations Open

        Press Release

        The following press release has been issued by West Devon Borough Council:

        West Devon Mayoral Awards Now Open

        Issued: 23 January 2023

        Nominations are open for the 2023 West Devon Borough Council Mayoral Awards, which recognise deserving people providing valuable contributions to the community.
        The Borough Council is looking for outstanding people who deserve public recognition for their unpaid work or contribution. Whether an individual, group or an organisation, the Council wants to hear about them.
        The Mayoral Awards have now been running for a fantastic 25 years. They have celebrated the outstanding achievements of a wide range of people who have done something significant to benefit the Borough.
        Some past winners have enhanced the reputation of West Devon nationally, while others have contributed hugely to the conservation and protection of the Borough’s beautiful natural environment.
        The four categories this year are:
        • The West Devon Mayoral Award for Under 18s
        • The West Devon Mayoral Award for Over 18s / Organisation
        • The Mayor’s Green Award
        • Long Service Award
        The Long Service Award, which was introduced for the first time last year, recognises those who have worked behind the scenes, contributing to their community over a number of years.
        The Green Award covers a wide range of environmental or sustainable areas, such as recycling, improving biodiversity or green transport. If you know someone who is ‘green fingered’ or doing their bit to combat climate change, this award is a great way to celebrate their achievements.
        Nominations close on Friday 17 February 2023.

        Mayor of West Devon, Cllr Caroline Mott, said: “With life difficult for many it is even more important for us to value and recognise those who strive to make a difference in their communities.

        “Please use this opportunity to nominate someone who has made a difference in the Borough so that they may be considered for an award. It is always a joy to read through the nominations even though it is a difficult task to name a final winner.

        “All those nominated will receive a certificate to recognise their endeavours with the winners invited to receive their award after the Hub Committee meeting on Tuesday 7 March 2023."

        Judges will include the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and two other Councillors. The winners will receive their awards at a ceremony planned for Tuesday 7 March 2023 at the Council Officer, Kilworth park, Tavistock.
        If you know someone who you think is deserving of an award, you can complete a nomination form, giving us details of why you think they should receive one.

        To access the nomination forms and for more information visit:

        Drainage maintenance

        Brentor Lengthsman

        Unfortunately our Parish Lengthsman will be out of action with immediate effect for 8 to 10 weeks due to sudden illness.  Work had only started in the Parish so there are likely to be areas where the drains are not working properly during periods of heavy rainfall, especially now that all the leaves are off the trees.

        Should this be causing flooding near you,  I would advise that you call MY DEVON on 0345 1551004 and ask for Highways, this will connect you to the emergency helpline who will be happy to help.

        Let’s Talk Pre-Teens

        Let;s talk Pre-Teens

        The South Devon and Dartmoor Community Safety Partnership have been working with a wide range of partners to produce a toolkit to support parents of pre-teens (9-12 year olds).  This has been developed as a result of the resounding success of the Let’s Talk Teenagers programme that has seen 2497 engagements with parents and carers so far.  FREE online sessions through the Let’s Talk programme for parents and carers of pre-teens are available this month.

        The Let’s Talk program is designed to increase parent and carers knowledge around the key risks whilst giving simple tools and techniques to help them support their child.  As a partnership we acknowledge that parenting can be really difficult, especially in such challenging times.  We want to get these resources to as many parents as possible and we need your help!  We would be really grateful if you could share the information included in this email with all your contacts and communities so we can reach as many parents and carers as possible.  From the 2nd of January we will be running a social media campaign through Devon County Council so if you have social media please share the posts.

        Tickets are free and available at Let's Talk Pre-Teens.

        The topics covered will be as follows:

        Tuesday 17th January 2023

        • Biology
        • Difficult emotions
        • Substance misuse

        Tuesday 24th January 2023

        • Relationships
        • Exploitation
        • Pornography
        • Societal Stereotypes

        Tuesday 31st January 2023

        • Physical risks
        • Safety planning
        • Mental health
        • Self-care

        Cost of Living Advice

        Cost of Living Special – how and where to find support this winter

        West Devon Community and Volunteer Services have produced a factsheet with lots of advice to help during the cost of living crisis. You can read it by clicking the button on the right.

        There are several sections:

        1. Foodbanks and transport
        2. Warm spaces
        3. Money, Debt and Benefits Advice
        4. Funding for Individuals
        5. Funding for Groups

        As well as the factsheets there is lots of information on their website, In Touch Tavi, click here to visit this excellent resource.

        Transparency Code and Annual Returns

        Annual Audit Documents 2023-24

        Annual Audit Documents 2022-23

        ANNUAL AUDIT DOCUMENTS 2021-2022
        Notice of Public Rights
        Accounting Statements
        Annual Governance Statement
        Bank reconciliation
        Expenditure over £100
        Annual Internal Audit Report
        Register of assets

        ANNUAL AUDIT DOCUMENTS 2020-2021

        Notice of Public Rights
        Accounting Statements
        Annual Governance Statement
        Bank Reconciliation
        Expenditure over £100
        Internal Audit explanation of variances
        Register of Assets

        ANNUAL AUDIT DOCUMENTS 2019-2020

        Notice of exercise of public rights

        Accounting statements
        Annual Governance statement  
        Bank reconciliation
        Expenditure over £100  
        Internal audit  
        Explanation of variances
        Register of assets

        ANNUAL AUDIT DOCUMENTS 2018-2019
        Notice of exercise of public rights
        Accounting statements
        Annual Governance statement
        bank reconciliation
        Expenditure above £100
        Internal Audit
        explanation of variances
        Register of Assets

        ANNUAL AUDIT DOCUMENTS 2017-2018
        Notice of date of commencement
        Rights to view accounts
        Accounting Statements
        Annual Governance Statement

        Expenditure over £100
        Bank Reconcilliation
        Annual Internal Audit Report
        Analysis of variances
        Register of Assets

        ANNUAL AUDIT DOCUMENTS 2016-2017
        Notice of Conclusion of audit
        Accounting statements
        Annual governance statement
        Declaration of status of published accounts
        Notice of date of commencement

        Expenditure above £100
        Bank Reconciliation 28.03.17
        Explanation of variances
        Explanation of variances(2)
        Internal audit
        Register of Assets

        Accounting Statements
        Bank Reconciliation
        Significant variances
        Explanation of significant variances
        Annual Governance statement
        Internal Audit Report
        Expenditure above £100
        Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (c.2)
        Notice of date of commencement period
        Declaration of status of published accounts
        Notice of conclusion of audit

        Brentor Car Park charging proposal

        A site meeting about the proposed introduction of charges at Brentor Church car park was held on Monday 18th July.  It was attended by Andrew Watson (Estates Officer) and Richard Drysdale (Communities Officer) of Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA), Helen Harris, Rob Harris and Christopher Pancheri from Brentor PCC, Gary Hunt (Chairman of Brentor Parish Council (BCC), Terry Pearce of WDBC and BCC, and two other councillors from Brentor Parish Council, Caroline Mott , and Philip Sanders representing Devon County Council (DCC) and DNPA. Carol and Colin Sergant represented the bell ringers. (more…)

        The Growing Communities fund

        The Growing Communities Fund has just been launched by Devon County Council and is intended to support proactive, effective, measurable, and sustainable actions to enable individuals and communities to build self-reliance and community resilience, reduce food and fuel inequalities and improve mental health and wellbeing and respond to the climate emergency.
        A wide range of groups and organisations can apply including ‘host’ organisations. The Growing Communities Fund will provide grant awards of between £500-£1000 and £1000-£3,000 (though we will enter discussions with applicants who have exemplary or innovative projects).   The grants of between £1,000 and £3,000 will be reimbursed upon receipt of an end of project report outlining what the funds paid for and the impact and outcomes. (more…)

        Cost of Living payments

        Millions of people on means-tested benefits are receiving the first of two cost of living instalments totalling £650 from 14 July 2022, as part of a £37 billion government package to help families with cost of living pressures.

        The first £326 instalment for qualifying low-income households in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by their usual payment method continue to the end of the month. For those eligible, the rest will follow in a second instalment in the autumn. (more…)

        USO Broadband survey

        Full Fibre to the Property Broadband has now arrived in Brentor village. Unfortunately only a relatively small proportion of properties in Brentor are able to make use of this facility, the  majority still need alternative methods with poor speed and/or reliability/cost issues.

        In order to encourage OpenReach to complete coverage of the whole of Brentor Parish, over the coming weeks, one of your Parish Councillors will be visiting you with a short list of questions about the availability of broadband in your home and what your broadband requirements may be. The information you provide will be collated and used to try to improve the broadband service to all homes in our Parish. OpenReach have already installed a dedicated fibre from Tavistock to Brentor – we are now working to get OpenReach and/or Airband to extend coverage to the whole of Brentor.
