The Brentor Parish Cemetery
The Cemetery opened in 1902 as the Bible Christian Cemetery. In 2006 the Tavistock Methodist Circuit, having sold the Brentor Methodist Chapel and the lower unused section of the cemetery, decided that they no longer wished to maintain it. They offered it to Brentor Parish Council or stated that they would close it completely. As closure would have been a significant loss to the Parish, the parish council agreed to purchase the cemetery in order to keep it open. The purchase was completed in May 2007.The Parish Council acts as the Burial Authority and has the legal responsibility for administration and maintenance of the Cemetery. It is the intention of the Parish Council to run the Cemetery to a high standard with a minimum financial burden upon the Council Tax payer.
All applications for the purchase of graves, burials, the interment of ashes and the installation of headstones and memorial tablets must be made to:
The Clerk to Brentor Parish Council
Mrs Caroline Oxenham
1 Abbotsfield Crescent
PL19 8EYTel: 07846 573678 or 01822 481415 (Answerphone available)
Cemetery Charges
with effect from 1st February 2021
1. Interment of the body of a person whose age at time of death exceeded ten years - £140
2. Interment of the body of a person whose age at time of death was below ten years - £70
3. For the reopening of a grave - £85
4. Interment of cremated remains - £90
Note to types 1 to 4: No differential is made between parishioners and non-parishioners. The fees indicated do not include the digging of the grave.
5. The right to erect a headstone or memorial tablet (including initial inscription) - £110
6. Any additional inscription to a headstone or memorial tablet - £45
Note: No reduction in interment fees will be made in the exceptional circumstances of a requirement occurring for a double burial or internment of ashes to take place in the same space at the same time.
Search Fee - A fee of £30 will be charged for information provided from the Register of Graves and Burials kept by Brentor Parish Council. This charge shall only be applied in respect of information supplied which is not required in connection with an application for which another fee is payable.
Amendment Fee - An Amendment Fee of £30 shall be charged in connection with any alterations to information contained within the Register of Graves and Burials. This charge shall also apply in respect of amendments relating to Certificates of Purchase of Exclusive Right of Burial.
Note: The Parish Council does not allow the construction of walled graves.
Single grave = 6’ deep
Double grave = 7’ 6” deep
Grave size is sold as 8’ x 4’
In a site selected by the Parish Council (generally the next adjoining space.)
Single £250
Double £300
Single £350
Double £480
In a site selected by purchase prior to death or by friends or relatives.
Single £310
Double £400
Single £400
Double £550
Child’s Plot
Parishioner £50
Non-Parishioner £100
Note: Grave size is sold as 3’ 6” x 2’
Purchases of Exclusive Right of Burial.
Please note that for the purpose of Purchase of Exclusive Right of Burial the status of “Parishioner” (as listed under charges in the Information Booklet) shall also apply in respect of burial plots purchased by or for persons living in Residential Nursing Homes outside of the Parish, provided that the names of such persons have appeared on the Electoral Roll for Brentor within the period relating to the previous three years from the date of purchase. Any queries arising in connection with the interpretation of this definition should be referred to the Parish Clerk.
Note: Plot size is sold as 3’ x 3’
1. In a site selected by the Parish Council (generally the next adjoining space in the area reserved for the interment of ashes.)
Single £90 Double £160
Single £135 Double £250
2. In a site selected by purchase prior to death or by friends and relatives in the area reserved for the interment of ashes.
Single £160 Double £250
Single £250 Double £400
Regulations for Headstones and Memorials.
1. Headstones on an Earth Grave must not exceed a maximum size of 36” high x 36” wide x 14” deep.
2. The pattern of a Headstone on an Earth Grave must be such as to incorporate a flower vase within its foot.
3. In order to ensure compliance with current Health & Safety requirements all headstones installed must be fitted with a proprietary anchorage system as recommended by a qualified monumental mason. In the event of a removal of a headstone caused by the reopening of a grave and / or the addition of a further inscription the headstone must be retrospectively fitted with a proprietary anchorage system before being reinstalled in the Parish Cemetery.
4. All new headstones and memorial tablets must be engraved with the official grave space identification code provided at the time of purchase or used by the Burial Clerk to Brentor Parish Council. This identification code may be engraved on the rear face of the memorial where size and shape makes this possible.
5. Graves are not allowed to have kerbs, earth mounds or separate flower vases.
6. Memorial Tablets above cremated remains must not exceed a maximum size of 21” x 21”.
7. Cremated remains must be interred in a bio-degradable container.
8. No Headstone or Memorial Tablet may incorporate a photographic or other representation of the deceased.
9. Any inscription must be simple, reverent and in keeping with what would be expected in a rural churchyard or cemetery.
10.The use of non-standard flower vases such as jam jars or bottles is not allowed and the Parish Council reserves the right to remove any found in the Cemetery on the grounds of safety.
11.The planting of shrubs, plants and flowers on or around graves is not allowed.
12.Headstones and Memorial Tablets should be of granite or other stone local to the area.
13.Floral tributes should be in keeping with the season of the year and the Parish Council reserves the right to remove floral tributes including those made of artificial materials when degraded by the elements.
14.It is permissible to place a small flower vase of a pattern recommended by a monumental mason on a plot used for the interment of ashes.