Further Vacancy for Councillor



There is 1 further vacancy on Brentor Parish Council.

A by-election to fill the vacancies will be held if within 14 days of the date of this Notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and Bank Holidays) ten electors from the Parish give notice in writing to the Returning Officer requiring that such an election be held.

The address of the Returning Officer is West Devon Borough Council, Kilworthy Park, Drake Road, Tavistock, Devon PL19 0BZ. A request for an election can also be scanned and emailed to elections@westdevon.gov.uk, but the document must contain “wet ink” signatures.

If no such notice is given, the Parish Council will fill the vacancies through co-option.

For further information please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.

Dated: 7th May  2024

Signed:          Caroline Oxenham                      Clerk


Annual Parish Meeting – 7th May 2024

The Annual Parish Meeting for Brentor Parish Council will be held on the 7th May 2024 at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall at Brentor.

The meeting will comprise of:

  • The Chairman’s Report
  • The Financial Report
  • An informal session to meet Councillors to ask questions and raise any relevant matters.

The meeting will be followed by a meeting of the Brentor Parish Council. 

The Agenda and Action Tracker are available here

DCC Roads and Transport reporting tool

DCC roads and transport - report an issue

Devon County Council Roads and Transport have an online tool that allows the reporting of problems with the roads or transport in the County. You can use the service to report issues such as flooding, blocked drains, pot holes or defective signage. The Parish Council have been informed that the quickest way to report an issue, and presumably get it resolved, is to use this service. In an emergency (something that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious damage to property) do not use the tool but contact the emergency line on tel:03451551004.

Meeting with Sir Geoffrey Cox

Meeting with Sir Geoffrey Cox

A meeting has been arranged by Cllr Robert Oxborough, our WDBC member, between the local Parish Councils and Sir Geoffrey Cox, MP for Torridge and West Devon, to discuss various issues that are of great concern to those living and working in the area. The meeting is due to take place early in the new year.

Top of the list is the abysmal provision of reliable internet connections in the Parish. Despite much effort over the years from both public bodies such as the Parish Council and local residents the provision of decent broadband still appears to be something that Openreach is unable, or unwilling to achieve. Another concern is the crumbling condition of local roads with pot holes frequently causing dangerous and expensive damage to vehicles on a regular basis. Speeding, flooding, the maintenance (or not) of culverts and drains by Devon County Council have also been suggested as subjects to be raised at the meeting.

If you would like to suggest a subject to raise with Sir Geoffrey or have information that you would like to the Parish Council to highlight with him, for example repeated failed attempts to get pot holes repaired, please get in touch using the form opposite.

Suggest a subject

    Thermal Imaging Cameras for loan

    Thermal Imaging Cameras for loan

    Image of a house through a thermal imaging device

    Thermal imaging can help detect where heat is leaking from your property

    Are you interested in seeing where your property is "leaking" heat?

    West Devon Borough Council has obtained several thermal imaging cameras that can be used to find where heat is leaking from your windows, walls and roof. Information on the scheme can be found here: https://www.westdevon.gov.uk/housing/housing-support/thermal-imaging-camera-hire.

    If you are interested in the service then please get in touch with so we can gauge interest in the Parish and arrange for the loan of the cameras (they can only be loaned via Parish Councils).

    Thanks to our local councillor Cllr Robert Oxborough who was instrumental in arranging the acquisition of the cameras for residents use.

    Parish Cemetery Maintenance

    Parish Cemetery - New bench and new contractor

    Over the winter period the Parish Council have been advertising for a new contractor to mow and maintain the Parish Cemetery. It has been difficult to find someone willing to take the work on for a number of reasons but we are hopefully about to conclude negotiations with a local company to carry out the work.

    During the annual inspection the Parish Councillors noticed that the bench and noticeboard were in a state of disrepair. Both have been replaced using donations to pay for the new bench and noticeboard. The bench is already in place and the new noticeboard is being manufactured and will soon be in place.

    Thanks to Cllr Fraser for her hard work sourcing, ordering and installing the bench and removing the old one.

    Photo ID now needed when voting

    Don't forget your photo ID when voting

    A change in the rules relating to voting now means that you must show photographic ID when voting.

    Acceptable forms of identification are:

    • Passport
    • Driving Licence
    • Blue Badge
    • Older Persons Bus Pass
    • Defence Identity Card
    • Biometric immigration Document
    • PASS Card (Identity card bearing
      the Proof of Age Standards Scheme

    If you do not have any of these documents you can apply for a free Voter ID document. Full details are on the poster and at www.electoralcommission.org.uk

    Drainage maintenance

    Brentor Lengthsman

    Unfortunately our Parish Lengthsman will be out of action with immediate effect for 8 to 10 weeks due to sudden illness.  Work had only started in the Parish so there are likely to be areas where the drains are not working properly during periods of heavy rainfall, especially now that all the leaves are off the trees.

    Should this be causing flooding near you,  I would advise that you call MY DEVON on 0345 1551004 and ask for Highways, this will connect you to the emergency helpline who will be happy to help.