Cost of Living payments

Millions of people on means-tested benefits are receiving the first of two cost of living instalments totalling £650 from 14 July 2022, as part of a £37 billion government package to help families with cost of living pressures.

The first £326 instalment for qualifying low-income households in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by their usual payment method continue to the end of the month. For those eligible, the rest will follow in a second instalment in the autumn. (more…)

Brenstock tee-shirt sale

Get your memento of this year’s Brenstock! There are a few Brenstock tee-shirts remaining from this year’s festival, now on sale for just £5! 

Unisex, heavy quality, small and medium sizes in black and larger sizes in white – don’t miss a bargain!

To purchase yours contact Colin Dawes on 811079

USO Broadband survey

Full Fibre to the Property Broadband has now arrived in Brentor village. Unfortunately only a relatively small proportion of properties in Brentor are able to make use of this facility, the  majority still need alternative methods with poor speed and/or reliability/cost issues.

In order to encourage OpenReach to complete coverage of the whole of Brentor Parish, over the coming weeks, one of your Parish Councillors will be visiting you with a short list of questions about the availability of broadband in your home and what your broadband requirements may be. The information you provide will be collated and used to try to improve the broadband service to all homes in our Parish. OpenReach have already installed a dedicated fibre from Tavistock to Brentor – we are now working to get OpenReach and/or Airband to extend coverage to the whole of Brentor.


Report the Asian hornet!

Vespa velutina, known as the ‘Asian hornet’ or ‘yellow-legged hornet’ is an invasive species from Asia.  If you find one you MUST report it.  The species arrived in France in 2004 and has spread rapidly.  As a highly effective predator of insects, including honey bees and other beneficial species, it can cause big losses to bee colonies, other native species and potentially ecosystems.  We have several beekeepers in Brentor who would appreciate your help in preventing this species from spreading.
